One of the best shows on tv is Tosh.o. Every week, host Daniel Tosh takes a look at the funniest viral videos and provides hilarious commentary. He has been providing some of the best catchphrases over the last few years.

A few years ago, he came up with a list of "14 ways to tell if Your Fantasy Football Season is Doomed". As funny as it may seem, he hits the nail on the head. Do any of these apply to you:
  1. You still don't understand your league's point system. Computers handle all the tough math nowadays, but still, much like you're responsible for your tax forms even if you hire an accountant, not being able to predict your players points from their box score can signal a problem.
  2. Your opponent missed the first bye week and you still lost! Maybe they were out of the country, or in the hospital.  Or maybe they were just being a dick and knew how bad your team sucked.  But if you see a giant goose egg on your opponents team because they forgot to put in a bye week replacement this past week and you still managed to lose your match, consider your season in big-time trouble.
  3. You've been watching games on TV. Watching games on TV is for the weak.  If you really care about your fantasy team, you're spending more time hovering over your laptop, watching out for when your players' teams are in the red zone.  Sure, watching games helps and can be fun, but league champions will tell you that watching those numbers flash up as your players score is far more rewarding.
  4. You have a lot of "great" players. Your team is loaded up with big names like Isaac Bruce, Joe Horn and Marvin Harrison.  How could you lose?!  Um, maybe because you don't get points for Hall of Fame votes.  You need players who are scoring points now, not in 2003.  If you haven't figured out that the new Steve Smith is better than the old Steve Smith, you need to get with the times.
  5. You're rooting for injuries. It's never a good idea to wish for other people's misfortunes.  If your plan for last night's game was to wish for a helicopter to crash into the Vikings bench putting an end to both Brett Favre and Adrian Peterson, you really need to sort out your fantasy football strategy.
  6. You've spent the past 4 Mondays with your significant other. Maybe you're so far ahead each week the Monday night game doesn't matter.  Or maybe you've had all your match-ups wrap up by the end of the day Sunday.  But most likely, if you haven't been glued to your seat watching ESPN during any of the past four Mondays, that means you haven't been in any close games, and your team is probably pretty bad.  Say hello to your wife for me!
  7. No one is talking trash to you. Trash talk is one of the cornerstones of fantasy football.  You bring your friends together so you have a specific reason each week to tell them how much they suck.  But you know you are truly terrible when no one even feels it's worth their time to tell you how horrible you actually are.
  8. Your best player is on your favorite team. You know that guy you drafted only because you thought it would be "fun to root for someone on your home team."  If he's your best player now, you might be in a bit of trouble.  Hopefully you live in the greater Twin Cities region.
  9. Other teams have approached you for collusion. In fantasy football, collusion is the last gasp of the dying teams: Agreeing to trade players in unethical ways for a split of the pot or god-knows-what.  If another team's owner has approached you with such a proposition, you know they think you have nothing to lose.  It's not a good sign.  If more than one owner has approached you, you better start colluding!
  10. You've made zero moves. Oh!  I see!  You are a drafting genius!  You're 4-0 and been the top point scorer in your league every week.  Oh, what?  That hasn't happened?  And you've done nothing to fix it?  Yeah, you're screwed.
  11. Your bench has outscored your starters every week. Fantasy football isn't roulette.  There are usually solid indicators as to what your best bets are.  If you can't figure out how to get your talent onto the field, maybe it's time you invested your mental energy elsewhere: Like how to get enough cash into your bank account so the entry fee check you wrote to your commissioner won't bounce.
  12. You just realized your #1 pick was Adrian Peterson… from the Bears! Week 4 just passed.  If you're wondering why Adrian Peterson is in such a slump, it's probably because you're an idiot.
  13. Your team has more than one kicker. If you're so worried that someone's going to scoop up Steven Hauschka when you release him that he's taking up a bench spot while you start John Carney, your fantasy football season is doomed.  In fact, you may want to give up fantasy football all together.
  14.  You're locked out of your league homepage. Can't sign in?  Forgot your password?  Like a tacit god, unable to intervene with his own creation, you have no choice but to watch as your team tumbles through tragedy.  Bye weeks are missed.  Injured players remain active.  But so is life.  It's kind of zen in a way.  All things must pass.  Enjoy the ride.

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