I have been playing fantasy football since 2000. Back then, I was just a casual player who only played for fun. Once I got out of the military and was able to watch all the football I wanted, I grew obsessed with fantasy football. I can remember one year, I was in 6 leagues. Because I was just a casual player, I didn't win.

In 2006, I felt it was time to take fantasy more seriously as I knew I could win some money.  I did a Google search on fantasy tips and I came across Footballguys.com. I paid $25.95 for the subscription and had no clue what I was getting into. The 1st thing that impressed me is that I got a daily e-mail giving me news on NFL players. The 2nd thing was their drafting tool, Draft Dominator. This mammoth is a drafting tool that pretty much let's you know who you should draft and when. After I completed my drafts, I plugged my team into their Rate My Team feature and Whamo! I got a complete and detailed analysis of my players. They gave me my chances (in %) of making the playoffs in 3 categories: With Great Inseason Management, With Good Inseason Management, and With No Inseason Management. Not only do I still use this feature for my teams but I like to plug in the competition's team as well!

Now that I had all of this information, I was ready for the season to start. But wait, Footballguys wasn't finished yet. I received rankings of who I should start based on projected performances. I also got Passing and Rushing matchups.  On gameday, prior to the 1st game, I received an email of all the injuries and last minute lineup changes. 

The crazy thing is they even have a contest where you can create a team of any player(s) you want at the beginning of the season. You lock them in for the season and watch them work. There are prizes for the top teams and the winner gets $35,000. After 4 years, I have finally figured out a good strategy that should pay off this year. Most importantly, it's free to play (if you have a subscription)! 

There are so many more things I can call out about Footballguys.com but I will let you click on the logo and explore their site. If your not interested, at least sign up to get some of the free content. Footballguys.com is responsible for alot of the content I posts on the Barbershop (Around the NFL, Draft Analysis). 

I have already paid for my 2012-2013 season and I am ready to continue my winning ways. I will be looking to add to the Barber Shops Trophy Room! 

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